Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happiness on a Budget

It's been a while, I know. If anyone's actually reading these things, you'll have to forgive me for neglecting my blog. I've just been busy. It isn't really by choice. I've been working non-stop to keep up with the never-ending stack of bills. They just keep coming, month after month. There's no end in sight.

I lived in an older, smaller house before the one I'm in now. I wasn't making quite as much money then though (not that I make a lot now), and I kept thinking "if I just made a decent salary, I'd be able to afford things that I want." I finally got a job making more money nearly a year ago. Soon after that, I decided it was time to move.

I don't regret moving out of that house. I loved it, and I have lots of fond memories of my time there, but the move was inevitable. It was old, and the house required more maintenance than I was able to keep up with. Nonetheless, I moved to a more expensive house. And why? Because I could afford least in theory.

The problem with number-crunching though is that it never accounts for the money we blow every month. My numbers assume I'm paying my bills on time and that I'm making purchases primarily out of necessity. It doesn't account for emergencies either, or unexpected expenses. I finally got more money, and I assumed that meant I could afford more house. You'd think I'd have known better, seeing as how I was just getting comfortable in the old house with the new salary, but nope. I had more money, so I wanted more ways to spend it. And I got it.

So lately, I've been looking for a third roommate. (I have a roommate now, but we have a third bedroom that's basically being used for storage right now). It would cut some costs, and then I'd be able to buy a car. At least in theory, but again, that's assuming that I wouldn't blow the money I saved. Don't worry--I've also been looking for a better-paying job.

There's a pattern here, if you haven't noticed. The more I have, the more I want. I've realized that it may not be possible for me to ever be satisfied. I'm trying very hard now to change my mentality. I'm trying to embrace the present. It's not that I believe in settling. I believe there's actually something admirable about a need for constant improvement. Still, I think it's also important to appreciate where we are now and all that God has blessed each of us with rather than to act like it's never enough. That's an insult to our creator.

At NewSpring this Sunday, Pastor Perry Noble challenged his church with this question: if we aren't able to manage a little bit of money, why would God trust us with a lot?

...So true. I have a tendency to spend money. I also have a tendency to be broke. I have a tendency to want more money. I have a tendency to accidently spend money that belongs to God. I have a tendency to be irresponsible with my money, especially for someone who is on such a small budget.

I've got to learn to be careful with the money I have. I need to act like an adult. I need to act like an accountant for God. I always think I need more money to be happy, but what I actually need is to stop allowing money to govern my life. I need to budget and manage more wisely. I want to let God see what an excellent accountant I am, and then, he just might promote me to something that pays more.

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